To close that, I'm gonna restart restart it. K. It seems working. So, basically, like, you can see, like, this one where I'm talking, a real time lead that do diarization, and it shows a little sentence. If the talk became very long, it also do auto scroll. It scroll to a new to a new newest line, through this. So but it's now complete. So we don't actually want it to be just be here. We want this whole feature to work and we'll click this little microphone. We'll click this little microphone in the corner, and then on top shows a window that shows latest sentence, and we'll click the window it jumping to this page. But, like, as I said, I'll I'll be working with William, with the designers on Figma because this is actually quite confusing. Yeah. Mhmm. Yeah. Okay. Cool. Okay. I think we can end the call. Okay. So I'll talk soon. Yeah. Any question, feel free to DM DM, Bay, and me Mhmm. Or Raj. Information. Okay. Cool. See you guys. Yeah. Thank you. Bye bye. Bye. Thanks. Okay. From Russian. When you're aggressive, you're an assertive leader. When you're passive aggressive, you're a passive aggressive little potato, and the team can see it. Never thought that you would break your perfect form on a team call. You're usually very composed on a team call. No? Right? You you you waived your right for food. I'm going to bed. No. I I told you I wanted you afterwards. But I decided to be nice. Hello? Hello? It stopped. Uh-huh. Hello? Hello? It stopped. Okay. It still continue. There's a few seconds of latency, I think. Hello? Hello? It stopped. Okay. It still continue. There's a few seconds of latency, I think. I'll record this as a loop. Yeah. You don't do a loop yourself? I did online our loop. Okay. Hello? Hello? It stopped. Okay. Still continue. There's a few seconds of latency, I think. Tailored record is as a loop. Yeah. Don't do a loop yourself. I did online our loop. Okay.