{ "items": [ { "item": "Investigate if the back end is crashing and resolve the issue", "done": false }, { "item": "Create a weekend endpoint for streaming", "done": false }, { "item": "Determine how videos are saved (phone memory or just displaying what's on camera)", "done": false }, { "item": "Research YouTube's protocol for uploading video segments and design a similar protocol for the application", "done": false }, { "item": "Resolve issues with interrupting the stream to upload new files causing gaps in reporting", "done": false }, { "item": "Implement UI to display pictures from the camera", "done": false }, { "item": "Test and ensure the new application behaves like the existing app or Yuranga's app", "done": false }, { "item": "Review the existing app and Yuranga's app for functionality and requirements", "done": false }, { "item": "Stop the current video recording test", "done": false } ] }