The image showcases a scientific poster presentation titled "Reconstruction via Diffusion", on display at what appears to be a conference or academic event under a "Highlight" section. The poster presents research work related to motion reconstruction technology and is authored by a group of researchers including M. Chadlecek, Siyu Tang, and Federica Bogo. The organizations involved in the research are ETH Zürich, the Visual Computing Lab (VLG), and Meta, with a mention of CVPR (Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition) 2023. The content of the poster includes descriptions of methodologies and experiments related to global and local motion diffusion, highlighting the use of a neural network called TrajNet to improve motion plausibility. The experiments are shown through various figures and tables, displaying comparisons and results, such as the performance on different datasets and visual examples of the methodology. The section discussing the physical plausibility of the motions includes visual cues indicating the improvement of motion plausibility, and relevant metrics are provided in a tabular format. Moreover, the poster features various visual elements, including diagrams, charts, and annotated graphs to illustrate the concepts and results comprehensively. The background of the image indicates that the event is well-lit with ceiling-mounted lights, and the setting is professional, likely with other research presentations around. Text transcribed from the image: Highlight nstruction via Diffusion ETH Zürich 00 Meta adlecek?, Siyu Tang', Federica Bogo² fusing Global and Local Motion global trajectory local body pose Ro=DR(Rt, t, CR) (Ro, Po) = Dp((Ro, Pt), t, cp) Inference iteration = 1 MPOP MROR Pt PoseNet Pov 康 VLG Training on: AMASS Computer Vision and Learning Croup CVPR SEATTLE, WA Experiments Test on: AMASS (synthetic noise + occlusions), PROX (RGBD/RGB), EgoBody (RGB) Evaluation metrics: Accuracy: MPJPE Physical plausibility: acceleration + foot skating + foot-floor penetration 46.96 Method R R₁ GMPJPE -vis -occ -all VPoser-t 33.0 242.6 109.2 0.219 HuMor [67] 42.4 167.9 88.0 0.68 0.230 MDM++ 36.2 71.9 49.2 0.94 0.102 Ours 21.8 57.4 34.8 0.95 0.078 Contt Skat RGB-D RGB 1.8 1.9 Method Skating Accel Dist! Skating! Accel Dist LEMO [100] 0.176 HuMoR [67] 0.117 PhaseMP [72] Ours 0.038 1.8 34.22 54.76 0.139 23 35.41 0.180 1.8 3.36 0.116 22 9.73 TrajNet Results on PROX: No trajectory-pose correlation → foot skating Results on AMASS: 182 >30% improvement over accuracy >67% (RGB-D)/>17% (RGB) improvement over foot skating 上海科技大学 University of Zurich Motivation An N-Poir e events gented by a 10 le and pr mdp fron Mi cover partal Inear velochy and I same with a but inear soles Applinga soliny w for these part stationer Contributions 1. Al ser bra ut semide tens, this her the goonie 2.A10of angle bet ne praneration the ingred unec ability ting der 14Monctond precin and stone de anted by the ne Agonyingined each se What is an event camera? Messaan of andra briges durs et Advantages high temporal restored to b power consumption, hippie ban Multiple Solutions The proposed soler tuft of One my respond to floping ang The second compond to fping the edito Dandipue by checking the Characte ling Global Motion Reconstruction ajNet with local body pose global motion at inference time Inference iteration > 1 TrajControl Pt PoseNet Po ME Po R- TrajNet RGB 1114 Skating 0.116 0.165 ||Accel↓ → TrajControl improves motion plausibility 2.2 Input 2.7 on PROX dataset HUMOR Ours GT HMR 30x times faster than HuMoR during inference!