{ "hq": [ { "speaker": 0, "text": "Does the headache work? Like, maybe I could go split with 3 bitplanes then do, like, havoc on each bitplane and do the reconstruction in place. Yeah. And, like, whatever. Use AI to go deal with the color changing. Like, do a bimini reconstruction and use AI.", "start": 0.16, "end": 12.945 }, { "speaker": 1, "text": "Sure.", "start": 13.184999, "end": 13.684999 }, { "speaker": 0, "text": "It's it's all, like, up in the air. There's, like, that", "start": 14.1449995, "end": 16.064999 }, { "speaker": 1, "text": "And we also have a shock changing for a second version because the first one had been learned to be very not power efficient. Yeah. If you attach it, it's, like, super, super hot right now. I see. And this shock is actually being discontinued because of this reason.", "start": 16.145, "end": 31.36 }, { "speaker": 0, "text": "This is, like, prototyping or what? Yeah.", "start": 31.42, "end": 33.42 }, { "speaker": 1, "text": "So this this first one so we like the shock, but, like, this shock had been found, a bag in the factory, in the in the fab. That is, they mess up something, so they're gonna have a new socket, going to replace this. So we so we're changing to a low power socket for a new version. Yeah. Like, so we're doing the socket changing right now. So new the new one, the smaller square one with screen on top, or do you actually go to a new socket?", "start": 33.42, "end": 55.0245 }, { "speaker": 0, "text": "It is a yeah. It is a it is a new socket.", "start": 55.0245, "end": 57.7645 } ] }