Being the black color one, even the diffuser is, like, stronger. No one knows what I'm doing. Otherwise, while a lot of people look at me. You wanna see me? Yeah. I guess it depends Yeah. I guess it depends on whether you wear white or wear black muslin. Yeah. Yeah. And I I I had to roughly match her clothes. Yeah. I see. So so what what you heard do is, like, we wanna give some of this, like, getting early access with some of my friends who do a lot of social media, who have interesting lives, and then having them populate content with what they post on other social media first. Yeah. So it'd be like it's not like so help costar problem. Also, with, we also have access to some celebrity data, so it's partnership with the Japanese events Yeah. Like, like, Michelle Yeoh or, like, Jackie Chan or some of those. But we actually want it to be more lifestyle, like, instead of, like, like, just creators or Why not just actually to put it on. Like, what I mean is this. Right? Here's here here's the thing. Like, I I do something fun. Yeah. You generate they automatically generate one click of good social media video of this, like, summary video. Like, just generate, like, an Instagram or a sample of a story. Yeah. Yeah. Generate the text and everything. Yeah. Just give me everything I need to just post it. Yeah. That'll be good. So we'll post on Xiaohong. We'll also post on this simultaneously. Yeah. Yeah. But what I mean is, like, post on Xiaohong. We'll post on Instagram and watermark the videos. Yeah. Yeah. Watermark the videos so that people are like, what the hell is this? Oh, really? What it is. And then they and then they search for it. Right? Because, like, getting people to download an app is actually hard. But then, like, if you if you watermark all these videos yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then and then, like, you can also have, like, a paid feature to, like, not have the watermark maybe. Yeah. But, you know, most people won't give a shit and not all the time. We should do that. We should do that. I think, like, Instagram and and and Facebook, you can probably set it up so that you can just do a one click, push everything. Yeah. So, also, I don't know if they have the Android, thing for it, like, to to create it. We're probably gonna start with Instagram, Facebook, TikTok. Yeah. Yeah. And, most of those. Yeah. Yeah. Like, auto auto edit, auto generate video. Yeah. Because, like, honestly, like, editing editing video sucks. That's, like, the worst part of it. Yeah. Like, people go skiing for a day, and then they'll be too tired to edit video. Yeah. Even sometimes, along the post, I follow-up myself. I'm trying to, hey. Let me make my hair look slightly better. That, like, the softer like, the made 2 of my colors just so bad. Yeah. I will say, I I told you, I tried to, like, Photoshop our group photo before I've sent to the Chinese VC, and I thought her photoshop me. It photoshopped me on William, and I can't change the face without paying them for for $49. Why should I pay? I left me 2. I mean, it's like a Yeah. So so so I I only photoshop the the, like, the guy because he's on the front, and try to pay for $49 annually pay, but that took a payment somehow. It doesn't work. It's okay. I don't know. Whatever. I just go to post it. Wait. Is May 2 appear of of fully paid up? May 2? They do have a free version, but if you all do anything interesting, you'll need to pay. And, your payment system is very, very bad. It's yeah. I should I should I should just watch a meeting after May 2. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Basically yeah. So So so I try, like, a 9 times to pay in within 1 hour to pay can't do for my payment. I think there's Chinese American payment issues. Oh, fun. I can fix that. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, man, okay. Just you you know, plus, if if their model is, like, shitty features plus paid features, that's not the model I would launch. The model I would launch is full features up to 10 photos, and then you have to pay. Yeah. This is a much better model. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Wait. I don't understand why to entice the users to your app. You hide the features. I don't You don't wanna hide the shitty features Yeah. If you want users. Right? People are like, wow. What a shitty app. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. University, like, at least I go, Like, okay, I don't wanna put a little bit of stuff here, but I wanna put, like, the food, like, other things so I can post on Instagram directly. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's a that's actually a good idea. So, basically, we're, like, we we'll all right click the post on different social media. At at at the same time, the post will go out, like, their own new scripts. And and we can do more editing on on on other app than other apps. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Or mobile first, like, a software only thing sometimes, like, hopefully in January February, and that can help us increase evaluation. And now just that, like, that can also help help us to get access to everyone's data. So we can start with, like, their full data as a start. Yeah. Uh-oh. Now come to this first Karl Lavalho, Hong Kong, in Hong Kong. Oh, you went in Hong Kong? Yeah. Yeah. I I lived in Hong Kong for, like, I lived in Hong Kong for the last 6 months. Okay. Yeah. Kajeppi. Kajeppi. Okay. Yeah. Like, I I don't think any any translator actually beats Kajeppippi now. Okay. I I unfortunately don't speak Japanese, so I don't know. Yeah. I know. I don't speak Japanese, but but like I heard that out of all the languages Japanese. Oh. Test the hell out of it, I gave it some really hard Chinese translation things and it did very well. It's it's much better. Like, the order of, like, French translation quality is, like, obviously your European languages, then Chinese, then Japanese is at the bottom of the mainstream language, then obviously, like, the neglected language. But it's just like, what's the problem with this? I don't know. I I always wonder where the translation capability emerges from because it's not through the learning system. Yeah.