{ "items": [ { "item": "Inform iFly about any previous shoulder dislocation", "done": false }, { "item": "Check weight to ensure it is below 300 pounds", "done": false }, { "item": "Avoid flying if you have a hard cast or hard prosthetic that cannot be removed", "done": false }, { "item": "Do not fly if you are pregnant", "done": false }, { "item": "Disclose any head, neck, back, shoulder injury, heart condition, or other condition that may impede physical activity", "done": false }, { "item": "Wear comfortable athletic wear and lace up sneakers", "done": false }, { "item": "Remove all personal items from pockets", "done": false }, { "item": "Step up to the door with legs wide, chin up, and arms up when it's your turn to fly", "done": false }, { "item": "Keep chin up, arch hips, and keep arms in front of you during flight", "done": false }, { "item": "Use hand signals to communicate with instructors", "done": false }, { "item": "Signal the instructor to end the flight early if needed", "done": false }, { "item": "Consider adding high flights to the flight package", "done": false }, { "item": "Watch your step when exiting the wind tunnel", "done": false }, { "item": "Stay seated with gear on while waiting for your turn", "done": false }, { "item": "Discuss learning tricks with the instructor if interested", "done": false }, { "item": "Take advantage of return voucher deals for future flights", "done": false } ] }