Dust extractor. Oh, wait. What? Yeah. Wait. But it's also a Nova Arm. No. No. You just Yeah. I was wondering that thing. Yeah. So then We still have the forklift. Oh, wait. If you guys guys can climb up there. You guys should go up the stairs. Oh, okay. Yeah. We have a second floor. Okay. I'm not gonna go up. That's the old MIT race car. Yeah. This is Newton's metal passing machine. You pay, like, 10 grand for it. It's it's a CNC metal How about it works? I don't know why he has this because I've never seen him Wait. Wait. Wait. How he okay. Let's do bench machine. Probably for car value. Right? It's like a hobby tool. Ethan really likes, like, hobby class machine tools. It is like a it is Derek. It's locked down there. You just locked up with 10. You can't lose 100 of pounds. This is the best. This is his latest measuring machine. Okay. Well, there are holiday lights. They are celebrating. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. There was holiday party here. Yes. Oh, there was. Did you have a Christmas party? Yeah. Like like yeah. I was sleepy. I just straight up sat through it. I woke up like 11 PM. I'm like, hey, Kyle. You wanna go to the Christmas party? Oh, yeah. So what does oh, terrible. So what does this do? That's a measuring machine. So it has 3 pipes of I'm not gonna travel a travel whore. Oh, yeah. You you you you move it at a place at all the place apart and it builds up a point out of your car. So it's good to, like, on my Is this a car at Ethan Mills? Yeah. This was 18. This this was the one that I worked on. I remember every little bit of trauma about this car. What why is there a radiator there? It's the the all the motors and motors and motor drives are water cooled. Oh, there's so much clogs. There's too more clogs. How do we have so many clocks? There's not a glass floor at the PM. It just clocks at random times. So so this place don't have a second second second floor. This entire second floor is built by the computer manually. Yeah. So the so the build is whole chassis through the shelf, second floor. So that that projector screw is for a laser show. Peter do laser shows. Like, silver movie? Now or or movie. Yes. Tesla, Georgia. Yeah. There's still people here working at Tesla. They could just Yeah. Ethan working on Tesla. Where where is the Tesla first? Look. The the wall. What's the prototype? Oh, yeah. The wall that Oh, yes. Okay. Interesting. Oh, wait. You should try to jump to that side to see if it's success. Well, there's no boundaries. Well, the other side. The other side. There's also no geometry. Just like that. Machine. Yeah. There's, like, some 3 d printers here. Ah, the the X1 carbon moved. This CNC mill has still not made any parts other than parts that I still okay. They got it to the point even got it to the point where it can make parts for itself, but I don't think he ever made a part on it. He spent like $1,000 on that vise. He was like posting it proudly how he has a cool new vise. But I don't think he's put things on the vise yet. One day. One day. One day. One day we'll make something. Is there anything on the second floor? I just see boxes. It's It's just boxes. The the the mostly the second floor is hilarious because it's handmade. Yeah. It's just so weird. I'm gonna get, like, falling off for dear life. Don't worry. This was built by a good mechanical engineer. Okay. Okay. It's not wheels that can go sideways. I see. I see. Wow. I think these are the ones out of a forklift. I've heard of these before. What are these? They can do this and they can do this. Oh, I see. Wait. Like, I have the little ones on the robot but this is really something else. Yeah. So, David, if you want a machine something, you can't. Here is Oh, why is he happening? Like, this shop could be in Redwood City, very close to us Yeah. Yeah. By some mistake. Yeah. So far away. I think this is also my territory, but it's currently full of Peter's shit. Alright. We gotta go. What is what is Shay's shit? That's an optical comparator, but it's missing the speed. Oh, is it a laser cutter? The other day, I haven't tripped them either. Wait. So when they realized if they missed one more one more time, they should realize the cutting out came to one more time. The worst part is they might, like, notice and then complain. And you should tell them you should tell them, hey, I I, like, I I that now go over a cup. And what is that? Is that, like, a Michelson spectrometer? This? Yeah. This is, as far as I can tell, is Peter's pet vacuum chamber. Wait. No. This is like no. This is inspector. Like, the reason you put, like, the thing on the side is if you need distance to to measure some, like, angle changing. Yeah. Yeah. This is a mass spec inside. Yeah. Is that a mass spec comic book? I I think they were yeah. I think this is currently set this up as a mass spec. Yeah. We were trying to make some measurements. Yeah. Having something like this for my, like, particle accelerator project. Peter Peter is one of the 2 people I know with a working transpector. What Wait. Wait. I'm building here. Nikki is making art. Okay. Oh, yeah. Oh. Robot's asking you a question. Are you brave enough to answer? There you are. Let's take a look at his car over here. He doesn't Let's try his car. This is this is this is Shuri's car. Oh, this is this is this is $3,000 copy machine. Press continue to start the cleaning. Okay. Then you then you've answered the robot's answer. Oh, wait. No. It Okay. I think I was just putting it off. I will copy right now. It's better. Wipe steam wand. Press okay. So we have to wipe. It looks wiped. Press steam flush button. Press that. Oh, look this? This install. Look. This is like this is like this is installed on the machine by them. Okay. Please start cleaning. Yeah. Rinse. And Nikki's gonna get so angry at you. All we get is hot water right now. I don't know why we why there no options. Why there's no no. I can't click. I don't think they have things. Yes. We have to empty the grounds drawer. How does this work? Oh. Oh, don't break it. Okay, ma. I don't think it's working that way. Why not? This grounds drawer drawer, it's not like that same. Where? It's blinking here. Yeah. Like that. Let's say. What? Wait. You should be out. You should take it. Yeah. Take it. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, there's not. I mean, yeah, that's the one. Oh, there's a steam wand over there. I I it's it's clearly this thing. Like, it's full of grounds. Yeah. The wand is in the way. No. Okay. I think you can just, like I think you just leave it. That that last you got taken care of the guy. Yeah. Oh. I thought I just did. The robot's not very angry. It can't it can't seem It's like a soft cleaning process. Yeah. Yeah. And it's cleaning right now. Okay. How do I turn Okay. How do you turn it off? Okay. It's very good. Okay. What is the handle control? Yes. Okay. So you're supposed to if we lift this up You tilt it to it. I think, yeah, you tilt it. Okay. If I go and look around just like, wow. Promise. It's fancy. Okay. 2 robot. Please need more chairs. The terrifying thing is the the toilet is black from all the times this has been done. Oh, let's see. Okay. Oh, it Okay. Oh, it sucks. I got a car. To, like, tilt it tilt it before you pull the bag. Yeah. Mhmm. Okay. I'm sure you put the the bucket in the right direction. So cleaning necessary. Continue. Right? You just click raising. You just click raising. Raise. It rings. Yeah. Where? Continue. Continue. This. Rins. Yeah. Rins. Okay. Don't clear. Rins is probably this. Well, that's hot water. Okay. Or this? This looks like a reframe. Oh. Okay. Alright? You get tea water, but, like, no. I don't know. I think it's okay. Wait. Let's Alright. Yeah. Let them do it. Give up. They have the menu. You can't go into standby if any process is running. Okay. Uh-huh. Is there is there any process running? I think we're in the cleaning cycle right now. Can I stop the cleaning cycle? Yes. We're just cleaning the screen. Why does it say hot? How does it even know that the screen is dirty? No. No. No. No. No. I I that was the clean screen cleaning button, so you can't accidentally activate things. I'm ready. In case the robot gets ruined. K. I'm ready. In case Let's just click the turn off button. Yeah. I'm trying to turn it off. Nope. Can't go into e code. You think it's because we turn the lights on that it turned on? Uh-huh. What if we were long pressed? Maybe 9:9 o'clock? No. No. It's it's, like, in the middle of a cleaning cycle right now. Okay. So, like, I need to figure out how to I I need to, like looks like he's doing anything. There's there's, like, a thing which detects Don't call it do I call John or Peter? Set your fuck up. Oh, okay. So I think Daniel's steam It's telling me to rub the steam handle. Maybe it, like, knows I've rubbed it. Maybe it's, like, not you know, like, I have to So you're very nice? So I also don't think it's safe because you need, like, the milk is definitely not cooling inside the machine all the time. Now now I feel glad we we bought the machine eyeballs, We said, okay, separate the inside of the machine.