In the image, there is a large, beautifully decorated poster hanging on a wall. The poster appears to be advertising a product or service, as it features a vibrant and eye-catching design, including a striking color palette and bold text. Below the poster, there is another document displayed on the wall, which appears to be a detailed explanation or testimonial about the product or service being advertised on the poster. The document is likely intended to provide more information or highlight the benefits of the product to potential customers, as it features a clear and concise layout, with text organized into concise paragraphs and bullet points. Overall, the image presents a well-designed and informative advertising display, aimed at capturing the attention of passersby and promoting the product or service being showcased. Text transcribed from the image: Continual Compatible Representation for Re-indexing Free Lifelong Person Re-ident Zhenyu Cui¹, Jiahuan Zhou1, Xun Wang2, Manyu Zhu², Yuxin Peng1* 1Wangxuan Institute of Computer Technology, Peking University 2ByteDance Inc ReID): Aims to learn from a person across different orical images in the gallery or testing (Re-indexing). Data Privacy ReID w/o Re-indexing New Model QQ ID:3 ID:5 Old Gallery Features Query Features when raw images in the acy concerns, resulting in and the gallery features on L-ReID performance. 100 Continual Compatible Representation New Model ID:3 ID:5 Old Gallery Features Method: Overview: A Continual Compatible Representation (C2R) scheme is proposed for RFL-ReID to continuously update old features in the gallery to make it compatible with new query features. ➤ Continual Compatible Transfer (CCT): Update old gallery features continuously and transfer old feature to the new feature space, adaptively capturing the knowledge from different domains. ➤ Balanced Compatible Distillation (BCD): Achieve the compatibility between the transferred features and the new ones, preserving the relationship between the old and the transferred features in a unified feature space. Balanced Anti-forgetting Distillation (BAD): Eliminate the accumulated forgetting of old knowledge during the continuous transfer, balancing the old and the new discriminative information. (a) Training at s Stage Old data New data Old Model New Mode (b) Transfer at s Stage F ID:1 ID:2 Updated Features Query Features Continual Compatible Transfer (CCT) Balanced Compatible Distillation (BCD) Multiply 20 Forward Mapping Module (FMM)) Softmax Sum Balanced Anti-forgetting Distillation (BAD) MLP H FC Knowledge Capturing Module (KCM) Multiply 00-1-1-0000-1 ID: New Gallery Feature Set ID: ID: Old Gallery Feature Set Transferred Feature Set Experiments: The experiment o superiority of our pr Mark Task Method mAE Joint Train 68.1 SPD [28] 35.0 LWF [11] 56. CRL [40] 58. L-ReID AKA [18] 58 MEGE [20] 39 RFL-ReID PatchKD [27] 68 Ours 69 LwF* [11] 39 AKA* [18] 3- CVS* [30] 3 PatchKD* [27] 6 Ours Our C2R achieve Conclusion We propose tackling the d • Two balance forgetting of • H (c) Testing at s Stage ID: N ID: N+1 ID: M ID: 1 • Extensive e Extracted Features: ID: 182 Query demonstrate m on L-ReID task, called tification (RFL-ReID). ntation (C2R) scheme to d gallery in L-ReID. T) and two balanced eve L-ReID without re- Pipeline: Training Stage: CCT, BCD, and BAD are jointly optimized. Transferring Stage: CCT network is employed to update the old feature set after each training stage in L-ReID. Testing Stage: Query features calculated by the new model is used to directly match the updated gallery features to achieve re- indexing free lifelong person re-identification. ➤ Three stages are executed sequentially when facing new data. More Information Go! Related Works Go! 回回 [Lab [1] Zhenyu Rectificatio [2] Zhenyu Re-Identific