He's slow. He's slow. He's slow. He's slow. Go ahead. He's slow. Oh, man. That is if he if he had gold, he would be ruled, I think. He didn't go. He's like squirrel for real. Yeah. He's the giant, but he's Good job. Oh, Oh, shoot. He was alone. Westin. Westin. Keep your position. Okay? Vikram, energy. This side. Look. Look. This side. Alright. Grab me. Oh, my goodness. Let's go, Skye. Let's go, Skye, guys. Let's go, Skye, guys. Let's go. Wow. Two close shots. Two close shots. Yeah. Let's go, man. Next to Kimbo. Kimbo, Max. In front of me. Let's go close. But, Max, though. Go close. Draw some defenders. Max, I was like He'll learn. Defender. Oh, yeah. He learned. He learned. Good job, Max. Nice. Love a ball. Great. Good. Good. Good pass. Good intercept. Go in there. Woah. Yeah. Nice kick. Yeah. Go Shoot. Shoot. Corner, corner, corner, corner, corner. Corner. Corner. Subs. Subs. Oh, yeah. He's injured, for sure. Yeah. He's limping. I think he's pretty Yeah. He's not injured. He's Go, buddy. Great job, Boden. Keep pressing. Woah. Oh, god. Nice job. Those are Good pass. Yeah. Oh, come on. Nice shot. Nice shot. Nice shot. Nice shot. Reston, keep pressing. Nice. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Wow. Quick. Quick. Quick. Quick. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Go. Go. Go. Go. Go. Neil, get ready. Neil, go. Neil, that is you. Oh. Nice job, Weston. Good job. Weston. Yes. Good job, Weston. Neil, help. Neil, pass.