In the image, there is a large poster on display at a convention, showcasing various images related to the presentation. The poster appears to be a visual guide for the audience, featuring graphics and information about the topic being discussed at the conference. The various images on the poster may be used to illustrate key points or provide context to the audience, as well as to engage and inspire them. Text transcribed from the image: AUSAARC Show Lab, National Uni Yan- Cao Jay Zhangjie Wu, Weijia A DyVideo E Hamessing Dynamic NeRF for Lar Chulorging Humas-Centric Video Editing and background image, how to edit it? V or and viewpoint change Background Red Style d f image-based 30 dynamic human editing designs wing datasets by 50%-95% for human perference. Experiment Resuts A DynVideo-E edits foreground and background with high temporal and motion consistency