In the image, a crowd of people is gathered in front of a large projection screen, which displays a document on the screen. A man, presumably a teacher or presenter, is standing next to the screen, pointing at the document. The purpose of the lecture or presentation is to teach the audience about a software program called MOJO, which is projected onto the screen. The people in the room are focused on the presentation, likely learning about the features and functions of the MOJO software. The room appears to be well-lit, and the projection screen is bright and clear, making it easy for the audience to see the information being displayed. Overall, the image conveys a sense of learning and collaboration as the teacher shares knowledge with the class. Text transcribed from the image: Mojo at a glance Pythonic system programming language Full toolchain+VS Code + LSP support Freely available on Linux, Mac and Windows Progressively open sourcing it as Apache 2 A growing and vibrant community 200K+ users overall, 22K users on Discord def mandelbrot kernel[ width: Int # SIMD Width (c: ComplexSIMD [float, width]) -> SIMD[int, width]: M "A vectorized implementation of the inner mandelbrot computation.""" z = ComplexSIMD [float, width](0, 0) iters = SIMD[DType.index, width](0) mask=SIMD [DType.bool, width](True) for i in range(MAX_ITERS): if not any (mask): break mask=z.squared_norm() <= 4 iters = + 1, iters) z = z.squared_add(c) return iters A