In the image, a man is seen sitting at a desk with a laptop in front of him. The laptop screen is filled with various social media posts, showcasing the content of different Twitter accounts. Two other people are present in the room, standing close to the desk and looking at the computer monitor. The monitor appears to be displaying the content of a blog or a website, along with a few icons and links. The overall scene suggests that the individuals are engaged in a discussion or brainstorming session, likely focused on analyzing and sharing the information presented on the laptop and monitor. Text transcribed from the image: UDisk x X Ash V X PTX: X | CUDA x | Coop x | @GPUL x User x | ash x G ← Post Q Search Ash Vardanian @ashvardanian *** Relevant pe Many CUDA developers aren't familiar with Cooperative Groups, WMMA, PTX, and SASS. I'll probably cover these in a talk at the hackathon this Saturday. For beginners in Parallel Computing, try simple tasks like reductions with CUB and Thrust to prepare: Rohan Pandey (e/acc) @khoomeik - Jul 8 Last call to RSVP for our Hardcore CUDA Hackathon @AGIHouseSF this Saturday! We'll have free H100s and exciting talks from... - @clattner_llvm: creator of LLVM, Clang, Swift... Show more Show this thread Ash Varda @ashvard Founder @ Exascale 100M+ De Rohan Pa @kl Follow multimod @Rework Il prev res @Carneg hackatho @AGIHO SYSTEMS AGI Hous @AI Follow In the go learning hackatho Valley! S