The image depicts a man holding a ratchet and working on a computer. The man is standing in front of a projection screen, which is displaying a presentation. The room appears to be a classroom or a workshop, with a chair and a TV visible in the background. There are also some tools and a cup on a nearby table. The man is wearing a tie and has a laptop and a mouse nearby. The image is well-lit and in focus, making it easy to see the details of the scene. Text transcribed from the image: Mojo at a glance Pythonic system programming language Full toolchain+VS Code + LSP support Freely available on Linux, Mac and Windows Progressively open sourcing it as Apache 2 A growing and vibrant community 200K+ users overall, 22K users on Discord def mandelbrot kernel[ width: Int # SIMD Width (c: ComplexSIMD [float, width]) -> SIMD[int, width]: M "A vectorized implementation of the inner mandelbrot computation.""" z = ComplexSIMD [float, width](0, 0) iters = SIMD[DType.index, width](0) mask=SIMD [DType.bool, width](True) for i in range(MAX_ITERS): if not any (mask): break mask=z.squared_norm() <= 4 iters = + 1, iters) z = z.squared_add(c) return iters A