Screenshot of a LinkedIn profile search page taken on an iPhone. The time displayed on the phone is 7:42 with adequate battery life and 5G connectivity indicated. The search query entered is "Hengyue liu uc riverside," and it directed to a search result listing a person named Hengyue Liu. Hengyue Liu's profile shows that they are a second-degree connection with a title "Computer Vision Ph.D. @ UC Riverside" located in Riverside, California, United States. Noticeable features of the LinkedIn app interface include navigation icons at the bottom for Home, My Network, Post, Notifications, and Jobs, with home and messaging icons highlighted by red notification dots. The "See all" option is also visible for viewing more search results. Text transcribed from the image: 7:42 QHengyue liu uc riverside People Hengyue Liu 2nd Computer Vision Ph.D. @UC Riverside Riverside, California, United States See all 50% Home My Network Post Notifications 30b5 + 12