Top Image: A diverse group of employees are seated around a conference table, engaged in a discussion. One employee appears to be presenting an issue to the group, gesturing towards a presentation or chart on the wall behind them. Laptops, documents, and coffee cups are scattered across the table, indicating an active and involved meeting environment. The expression of the participants ranges from attentive to contemplative, highlighting the collaborative effort to tackle the problem at hand. Bottom Image: A different team of professionals is gathered around a table, deeply focused on a collaborative task. They are surrounded by documents, laptops, and notebooks. On the wall behind them is a whiteboard with a complex diagram, likely representing a workflow or strategic plan. The team members are actively engaged, with one person pointing at the diagram while others discuss and take notes, showcasing a dynamic brainstorming session aimed at generating solutions. Text transcribed from the image: 3:13 !!! 50 The employee discussing the problem with their colleagues during a meeting The team brainstorming various solutions and making a plan in front of a whiteboard