The image features a research poster from Nanyang Technological University, specifically from the Rapid-Rich Object Search (ROSE) Lab. The poster details a study focused on Advanced MRI acquisition techniques. It introduces a new method called Progressive Divide-and-Conquer (PDAC) for reconstructing clean MRI images from their undersampled k-space measurements. The "Background" section explains the goals and challenges of reconstructing MRI images using a Deep Unfolding Network (DUN) approach, highlighting the difficulty in recovering missing data during each iteration. The "Motivation & Contributions" section compares the proposed PDAC method with existing reconstruction methods, demonstrating its superiority in image quality through visual iterations. An illustrated flowchart under "Progressive Divide-and-Conquer (PDAC)" explains the iterative process of the PDAC method, detailing components such as Severity Conditioning, Degradation Prediction, and Predicting Mask. The methodology includes multiple iterations that involve data consistency, severity embedding, and degradation prediction to progressively refine the MRI image reconstruction, ultimately aiming for a high-quality final image. Text transcribed from the image: NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY SINGAPORE ROSE Rapid-Rich Object Search Lab 博云搜索实验室 Progressive Divide- Background Accelerated MRI acquisition: y= Ax+e=DFx + € ⚫y: zero-filled undersampled measurements in k-space • x: underlying spatial MR images • D: zero-filled subsampling matrix F: 2-D Fourier transform, €: measurement noise Goal: Reconstruct clean MR images from its undersampled k-space measurements. Challenges: Existing DUNS recover the missing data in the entire null space during each iteration, which could be chal- lenging when dealing with highly ill-posed degradation. Progressive Divide-and-Conquer (PDAC) Regularization on each decomposed degradation: Motivation & Contributions Comparsion with existing methods: (a) Existing Deep Unfolding Network Undersampled k-space Iteration t (b) Progressive Divide-and-Conquer (Ours) Iteration t+1 Final reconstructio Undersampled k-space Iteration t Iteration t+1 Final reconstruction Solving a severe MRI reconstruction problem with a single regularizer can be challenging when the measurement y introducing a series of regularizers according to the decomposed degradation, as: mina ||y – Aox|| +1 \t¥t (At z0 = y Y ข ZT Y Zt-1 PDAC PDAC PDAC Mo (Mt- Mt MT Reconstructe image PDAC Iteration t Zt-1 Y Not Zt Data Consistency Severity Conditioning Pt-1 Zt Network Not Pot Degradation Prediction Pe. Degradation Predicto Ee. Pt Eet Degradation Severity Embedding Predicting Mask Mt Mt-1 Severity Conditioning: During each iteration of PDAC, the network aims to reconstruct an intermediate mea- surement from a specific degradation severity, i.e., zt E R(AH). The degradation pattern m+ Opt in the k-space is embedded via a severity conditioning module Eet. Element-wise Multiplication Degradation Prediction: A degradation predictor Pet duced to estimate a probability pt indicating the location quency columns to sample, i.e., pt = Pot (t). Thus, the be obtained via on the previous mask mt-1 according to [i] mt [i] = m 1+I(i Є idx) Vi.