Audio or, some other API? We use Deepgram. Yes. Call, Deepgram APIs directly from, the web application. Right. It sounds like for, React Native and Native, it's easier if he's going to Deepgram API because Deepgram doesn't have native SDKs. It only has Node and Python SDK work on that because I think the 2 of you are working on very similar things right now. You're doing, like, a non audio. Right? Yes. You could group and add me or something on Slack and then talk to each other about it. There's going to be, what time zone are you what time zone are you in right now? Okay. What what what time is it for you right now? 6 AM. 6 AM. PM. Oh, okay. So you 2 are hours apart. So you can you can, like, you can, yeah. I just create a group for. If you can work for this. Like, the web front can just directly connect. Eronda, you can for development, Deepgram gives out a lot of API credits. Someone is recording right now. Who is it? Okay. Eronda. I I can see everything from the back end. So right. Yeah. And then okay. I I can see everything from the back end. So right. Yeah. And then okay. Basically