{ "items": [ { "item": "Wire $20,000 to the kidnapper's account.", "done": false }, { "item": "Consider giving a discount to the kidnapper.", "done": false }, { "item": "Calculate the costs of taking care of Stephen, including piano lessons, math tutor, daily Starbucks, soccer class, and karate.", "done": false }, { "item": "Calculate the extra driving hours required to take care of Stephen.", "done": false }, { "item": "Offer a counter-proposal of $10,000.", "done": false }, { "item": "Negotiate the final price of $7,000.", "done": false }, { "item": "Arrange for Stephen to be returned to his father.", "done": false }, { "item": "Refuse the offer of taking Stephen back for free.", "done": false }, { "item": "Agree on the final price of $20,000 for taking Stephen back.", "done": false } ] }