about UI right now, we can talk with them for that. Don't do exactly the same as YouTube, because everyone has their YouTube open on the side. And so what else? Yeah, one more question. Before I push my changes to my own branch, do you want me to change the UI to look exactly the same as the previous one? So probably. If it takes you too long, you can push first, because we can test the functionality. If it doesn't take you too long, you can change it and push it. I mainly want to test the top bar. So I will push the changes, you can test it, and meanwhile, I'll be putting this for the UI. So once you push, make sure you test after you push. And because sometimes, once you do one side, the top thing doesn't work very consistently across page. Sometimes one page works, you scroll through different pages, and it doesn't stop working. So make sure you test that part out. What we wanted to do is that basically, once you click this, unless you manually stop the recording, the recording should now stop. If I click this, and if I go to the settings, different page, it should now stop the recording. And even if I stop the app, it should now stop the recording, if it could be. But if it's iOS permission issue, that's fine. But if it's not iOS permission issue, the recording should continue. When I click the app back, when I stop, it manually stops. I doubt that's possible, but I can try. Yeah, so just take a look. So if that's not possible, just wait in the app. Oh, we're not on. Oh, we're not late for our next talk. OK, I think that's enough task for Sahil to work on for the next week or so. Let's plan for another meeting between him and Chiguang so that they can get synced on, say, libraries to use, some specific technology to use. And after that, once you implement your own domain and we can test that, I think things will be much clearer. Which channel should we put them to do this? Did we already create a new channel? There's just a DM group. OK. OK, let's just do it here. Let me create our Trello board, because I think these are a lot of requests which might be missed in the future. OK, feel free to create a Trello board and send to us. So OK, so I'll do a to-do for updating my domain name. I can also share my notes as well. So update to view, I'll keep it private. Sending the guy next to me. And then the domain name. And then the page code. And then the domain name. And your branch. And this is the branch. And that's our domain. Send the other one to this channel. And the update name. Let me see. I'm doing a chat file. Chat file field. We'll bring those to the entire app, which entails this phrase. Yeah. It entails this phrase. And we'll update the name. OK. And the update is a optional page. We do a recording when the message was sent. And that's all. So we do a log. We list now. And I'll do a rename, which is exactly as the recording page. What else? I have a nice point with some notes that I Yeah. You can read now and see that Patrick's notes are there. OK. Got you. Yeah. So I put my notes there. I think that's enough for at least the next couple of days. Yeah. And so we have more like the setting page and the agent page and also the agent detail page. And also people on my page. But we need some more UI work on our end for that before you do more things. So we're just working on those first. And maybe we can catch up later this week, send us recordings. And once the URL works, you can just send us the URL. We can just test on our site. But make sure you do test it very often yourself. Maybe like many times in a day. Because I hope other people can find back. OK. Yeah. And also send us availability of this week. So we can schedule a meeting between you and Zhiguang and try to standardize the tech stack. Yeah. OK. Can we do the call a little bit earlier in the evening? Yeah. Yeah. Of course. OK. I have to go to the office in the morning. What's the? So. Not tomorrow. Let's do it on Wednesday. OK. Yes. Yes. Let's do it on Wednesday. Maybe let's do it on Wednesday, every other day. Wednesday. Or I can send you the screenshots also. Wednesday is fine. Yeah. I don't know. I need to go to the office. That's fine. We need to go, right? Yeah. Let's do Wednesday around 8 PM. I can't do 8 PM on Wednesday. Maybe let's do Thursday. Yeah. Thursday would be good. Thursday maybe like 8 30 or 8 30 or something. Yeah. Thursday. I can do it any time, right? Because I work from home on Friday. OK. And the other one, we can do it on Sunday if you want. Saturday or Sunday. OK. Did you also email? Did you create your email? Yeah. We did. Yeah. I thought you might. So I have it posted. There it is. OK. All right. 8 30. I'll talk with Chu Kuang before I send it. Yeah. OK. So. OK. Let me see. Is Chu Kuang available? We don't have to wait. He's not available. OK. At least normally he eats during that time. So I think it's going to be flexible for that. Yeah. OK. So. All right. I think I'll see you on Wednesday. OK. All right. Yeah. I may reach out to you for some website stuff as well. But I think I can talk to you separately. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. In general, I think like Patty is more involved with the React app. So feel free.