But in Keith's case, the disease is too advanced. Because you lied. Because I always wanted to play games with my son's life. There's no way to really tell what progression the disease might take. You're right. And I'm sorry. So what do we do? He needs a new liver. There are over 15,000 patients on the transplant list. But how many are about to bleed to death unless they get a new liver? In Jersey, I'd say, 20. 2000 patients die each year because a donor liver can't be found. That's almost 5 a day. So is SCRU. I'll see what I can do. Could I donate part of my liver? Sorry. You're in a different blood clot. So we just wait I'm afraid so. And hope for someone to die. Who's Jules? Doctor House, you should get back to your Jules. There's no Jules in history. It was a hallucination of what? Our cat. Does this matter? No. I'm sorry. We'll continue the transfusions and the treatment for the anemia and liver failure while awaiting for a donor. How long can he wear it? Not long. I don't think this is lupus. Lupus? Come on. This is Your 4th diagnostic criterion of lupus' psychosis. This is just a kid missing his cat. He was being attacked by an animal a difference between psychosis and hallucination. So if he was imagining a fake cat, it'd be lupus. But since it was a real cat, it's not take your damn pills. Psychosis required. There's no cat. Jules is dead. You have a dead family pet and you never mentioned it. That's family history. Family history is asking about family members, meaning people related to the patient. What's going on? How did the cat die? Can you get him out of here? Doctor Hales, come on. What happened to the cat? Old age. She was 15 years old. When? About a month ago. Does this have anything to do with when she sleep? With With Keith. This is not a cat allergy. It's not, Lucas. Where is Jules? 4 years of college, 4 of med school, 2 years of residency, another 4 of subspecialty training. And where do I end up talking instead of digging? Come on. The ground's present. Solid. Okay.