Good evening. I'd like to, welcome you all to Ellie Lewis Gallery. On behalf of the directors, Kimberly Davis, Elizabeth East, Lisa John, and all of our associates who worked so hard to put these events together. We're very excited to be presenting this exhibition with Chen Man. Chen Man has, joined us as part of a program which, we have been initiating now for several years entitled Rogue Wave. It began as a program for emerging artists in Los Angeles. It's been going on curatorially for the last 13 years. In recent years, we've organized, international exhibitions of featured artists within Rogue Wave, the first being Grant Stevens from Brisbane. And this was an exhibition we we presented about 2 years ago, roughly now. And the second is Chen Man. Chen Man, is a renowned fashion photographer who was born in Mongolia, and her family during the Cultural Revolution, and her family then returned to Beijing, where she entered the academy. It's a very prestigious art academy in Beijing. I think it has, by the way, as an aside, 30,000 students. There are actually 30 institutions of a similar kind all over China. So this is a powerful cultural force that's emerging. And we presented, earlier in the season, September, the work of Suizhong Gu, who is the head of sculpture at the academy in Beijing. Actually, he was a teacher, indirectly away, of of Chen Man. So Chen Man, born in 1980, enters the academy, and studies painting, graphic design, set design. And before she enters into the department of photography, where she pushes forth her interest in staging photography, but also post production techniques, which are very evident in the work downstairs. Downstairs is a survey from the last downstairs. Downstairs is a survey from the last 10 years of Chen Nan's work. You see it reaching into individual iconography that has its root in China, logically. But on the other hand, most Chinese photographers hitherto have looked outside China for the basis of their inspiration backdrop, if you will. And with Chen Man interested to, consolidate her interest in being Chinese, she, comes out of, the art school then with a force and an interest in Taoism, this question of identity, and also how will she, pursue this experimentation in photography into the world of fashion. So through this, she has, I think, on colors for virtually every magazine you could imagine, but Harper's and Vogue, and all of the L magazines, and so on and so forth, she's been retained to do that. She's also led advertising campaigns on behalf of guests, a variety of international companies. So she's just saying quite literally all over the world. I gather as many as 25 shoots a month. So this is a very busy, active studio. There's 40 colleagues working together. And tonight, we have the privilege of not only enjoying the exhibition downstairs, but also, after the exhibition, looking at these gorgeous paintings of paper, canvas, out of her brush tradition that she maintains. So from childhood on, she's been interested in making paintings and continues in the work. She gave a lecture last year in Macau, and, it was called Who Am I? Inspired by that, I've been invited to be the support this evening. So let's do my mother to introduce Jen Mann, and let's find out where she is today. Hi, everyone. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, Peter, for so. Thank you so much. All your fault. Okay. Let's have a picture together. Selfish. Okay. The let's start a familiar philosophies, questions, the home of. A nation once adept in curing forking conditions with forking herbal remedies. Grew up in Hu Tao, Beijing, whilst little. At that time, people still rode bicycles. Next. Following my floor. 8 non GMO watermelons. Next one. Yes. We are the bread of strings. Next. Our parents, they will follow hopes. They revolted. Nice. Tell the legend of. They entrusted their dreams in us. We are still in the hazy pink of youth. Then you came again. We will count you. Sometimes, we get along very well. Soon, we started unwittingly to love the games you invented. We love to drive your cars. We love to drink your coffee. We love to carry your bags. We all love diamonds. We are eager to create something as shining as diamonds. Money is good. Seems to be the pursuit of life. So far as to the new religion we are busy to reproduce the dream we thought you had. To become heroes. We were like crazy and hurried on our journey with some materialistic dream. Perhaps we can become stars once again. I call my generation the generation that witnessed material dreams turned into reality. By the way, this is, can you go back to that slide? That one was collected by or is collected by a BIA Museum in London. Peter? Okay. Keep going. So we are revolutionary as well. Too good to be bad. That's too good to be bad. We are very happy. We were eager to achieve the best cost performance in OEM. We were busy to build our new great wall. We were busy to look at least okay. Then you finally had the time to sit and listen to the news. You wanted at first to get to know us, but in the end, you got to know yourselves. Then we started to discuss business. Maybe when traveling together study and impersonation, Communication and interactions. Mind reading, exchanging experiences. Reflecting. Finally, after a long time of mutual observation with the outside world. We discovered that it seems like the material world cannot provide all the answers. After the depths of misfortune comes bliss. Extremity brings the opposite, result. The way that it can be spoken is not a constant way. The name that can be named is not a constant name. Yes. We happen to coincide. 1 after another, come to a same conclusion. An energy translation between the material and international world, quantitative physics and Buddhism. Quantum physics. Con quantitative physics and Buddhism prove and support each other in different dimensions. All reality is phantom. All phantoms are real. Spring awakes from the east, bursting. Summer rises from the south, blooming. Autumn falls from the west connecting. Winter sleeps in the north, shedding. Phoenix is the most scientific science. We are not as a robotic corals. We exist symbolically. All in sense is generated from the natural different differentiation of elements. Our union is extremely perfect and special. Understanding is more important than loving. So was our ancestors' blessings? Gold. Creates water. Water creates wood. Wood creates fire. Fire creates earth. Earth, again, creates Gold is money. Money is blood. Money is energy. But is money love? Do not try to alter it. Let it go. Let it be. Love is not limited to a person, a thing, or time. It is in a flowing state. To love, you need to understand the existence and non existence of all, and then unconditionally accept it all. In I love you, there are separately I and you, and that is not the kind of love I'm talking about. If you see everyone as your child So everything? Everything. From egg from wolves. Is it softful? Or softless? And that's a softful, not softless. I will know my works. If you see everything as your child, No matter how bad they are, You will patiently bear them. You clearly know they're lying, but you would still still honestly listen. Still earnestly watch, when they lose their temper, you embrace them with your heart. When they're sad, You kindly keep them company. Use your heart. Use your heart to kiss and absorb every tear. Companion. Support. Low language boundary. Given. Nurture. Indiscriminately. Concentration. Friendship. Final friendship. When they ignore you, you give them enough space and time, but still always silently protect them. They might be very They might be very childish and ordinary, but you cheer for them and try hard to give them your best support. Never mind how others see them in your heart. They will always be the only ones. If you treat everyone listen without grouting giving without sparing. Answer without arguing. Enjoy without complain. Forgive without punishing. Promise without forgetting. If you treat everyone indiscriminately and unconditionally I believe they will become great kids for sure. Our world will become a better world as well. Because that is how our mother Let's watch a video about our common mother. What a long trip. What a long trip. Yes. We come from the same origin, unison of universe and human. Because we're so similar even only in appearance from macroscopic to microscopic from microscopic to macroscopic. We have since forever so similar. You mean the holidays. East west in Chinese contains a notion of space. East west. And And the notion of time The sun rises from east sets on west. It is a loop, and it is cycle. Respectively, there are also south and north. North Hemisphere say that the south represent the tropical, and the north is the frigid zone. It represents, at the same time, water and fire. Fire represents upward energy, and water represents the directionless energy diffused through space. It's also It's also a reflection of the yin and the yang. If you compare them with Adam and Eve, the primitive seeds of cells, The first man and woman in this boundlessly beautiful and worry free world. Of course, they will soon have many followers. 1 turns into 2. 2 turn into 3. 3 turn into 1,000,000. It is like the increase of my Weibo fans. And also, the men and women, they are also mutually mutually attracted. The natural flow of love was created. This is the original life force of our world's existence. And love, you can see it everywhere, even very objectively. As a vortex of water, Let's change a point of view. You can see the red mode of life's DNA. It's negative shape. Let's get back to Earth and her magnetic field modality. Small as the shape of apple. Speaking of apple as of Steve Jobs. This is one of his ideas. And it could have been anyone's idea. If you have an idea, you will realize it with materials. They will multiply. They will they will They will they will grow to a certain volume. I don't know. Of course, we have more than 1 in the world. There are so many people in the world, so what will happen? I I too much I'll go back. Go back to one slide. Yeah. So go back. It's so exciting. It is our intellectual world that generated our material world. They mutually exist and move the slave. We are all subjects as well as actors, so let's experience together. So next slide. We come from the same origin in some of the universe and human. All All encounters are reunions of long separations because we are 1. Don't forget the origins, and we'll have a happy ending. Happy beginning and happy ending. Thank you. Thank you very much. Very different to the previous lecture. So I don't know if there's any questions on the floor. This is American freedom. So if there are, we have the exhibitions. Yes. What's what is your latest work? But also the exhibition today is also some of her latest work as well. If you go downstairs when you see the exhibition afterwards, or if you come back later, when it's quieter, you'll see that the last, video, in fact, is a part of the production of a piece that was part of a promotion that ended up with a singular object. So are all these works commercially done, or are they, personal as well? Do you do any personal work that's not? Actually, some of them from commercial stuff and some of them those editorial stuff and some of them, like, down some of downstairs, like, 4 4 seasons series is my personal works. Gotcha. Yeah. So each each area of work is feeding on the other. So when you did that personal work before it seasons, what it feel like to do that compared to doing commercial work? That's a good question. Mhmm. Well, I don't know. Can you say that again? I'm sorry. So when you, when you did the personal work Mhmm. How that feel different for you than doing the commercial work? There are there are not much differentiations because she's explaining. Either as explanation for others or self explanation. Good answer. Yeah. So the question is, who is Chen Meng's favorite photographer, and what is that photograph's influence on her? So everyone can be her favorite photographer because everyone has to do artwork. Like some masters, when they are, when they are not in a relationship, when they are sad and they can maybe have some inspiration and produce good work, and maybe when they are, in a relationship, when they're in love, maybe they cannot produce anything. They they just mess around. They they they don't when when they, you know, fall in love in that kind of, you know, the moment, and, they have a really nice relationship, they they don't care about any of art because they have each other. And that kind of feeling is more than art, you know. So, yeah, each of the depends. You know? So you have to be alone to be in arts? See. Yeah. So if the whole thing's a rule, you'll tell each of the So I think the knowing can be a very positive experience. And it can, help you to be a better yourself, to be better with yourself. And then it helps you to better, know yourself and to get to know the world. So the question is, is there any moment that you don't have any inspiration? And if that happens, what will you do? So first, my inspiration comes from everything in the life. So some but but well, there's not much that moment happened for on me, but I think that, sometimes we should not be a, like, a supermarket. It's not for the storage. We need to be a channel, and we need to bear things, and sometimes nothing can be everything. Since you're the most popular photographer This is a very good question, but I have only one answer to find a good husband. And it's a matter of giving, and you need to keep well balanced and give people what they need. Mhmm. So, Chen Man has a really good husband, and, we are very fortunate that, this artist who is 34 years of age has had exhibitions in China, in Paris, in London. Her career is really burgeoning, but this is the first, and actually in the United States in Denver last year. And this is the first, commercial gallery exhibition of her work in the United States, so we hope you enjoy it. It's gonna be extended to the 31st of the month. And, it's a big crowd tonight, but see what you can, and please come back and refer to your friends. So thank you all for being here. Thank you.