{ "items": [ { "item": "Investigate the meaning of \"\u5f2f \u5410 \u6c34 \u5207 \u5f00\"", "done": false }, { "item": "Research the context of the conversation", "done": false }, { "item": "Translate \"\u5f2f \u5410 \u6c34 \u5207 \u5f00\" to understand its relevance", "done": false }, { "item": "Determine the purpose of the meeting or conversation", "done": false }, { "item": "Identify the participants in the meeting or conversation", "done": false }, { "item": "Transcribe the entire audio recording for further analysis", "done": false }, { "item": "Analyze the transcription for any actionable items", "done": false }, { "item": "Follow up on the conversation to gather more information", "done": false } ] }