A cozy living room is transformed into a makeshift classroom. The room features wood-paneled built-in shelving and cabinets, adding warmth and an inviting ambiance. On the large flat-screen TV, a presentation is being projected, detailing the importance of pitching and storytelling for founders. The text on the slide emphasizes the need to tell a compelling story to recruit teammates, find investors, and secure the first customers. The speaker, standing near the shelves on the left, gestures animatedly as if explaining key points from the presentation. Front and center, two comfortable armchairs face the TV, with one attendee partially visible lounging and taking notes on a laptop. The laptop screen displays what appears to be a design or illustration, indicating active participation in the workshop. The setting suggests an informal yet focused learning environment, perfect for in-depth discussions and brainstorming sessions. Text transcribed from the image: Overall Pitching and storytelling is an essential skill for founders. You need to tell a good story to recruit teammates, find investors, get your first customers. You need to sell the future the present. You need to convince people that something that doesn't exist not only will, but has to. Your success as a founder is not directly tied to this skill, so it is worthwhile to invest in the time and energy to be good at it!